Title: Introduction to PHP

25 February 2023 (Saturday)

Dr. Ariya Namvong is a faculty member from Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Khon Kaen University.

During the webinar, a comprehensive overview of PHP was provided, starting with a detailed explanation of the basic syntax of the language. The webinar covered PHP's data types, including integers, floats, strings, arrays, and booleans, and demonstrated how to declare and use variables for data manipulation.

The webinar introduced PHP operators, including arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators, and explained how to use them effectively. Control structures, such as loops and conditionals, which are crucial for building dynamic and interactive web applications, were also highlighted, as they are fundamental in any programming language.

To ensure a hands-on learning experience, the webinar included practical examples, demonstrations, and exercises for participants to practice their skills throughout the session. This allowed attendees to apply the concepts learned in a practical setting, reinforcing their understanding of PHP programming.