Mobile Communication for Smart Society

Prof. Dr. Lee Wei Tsong's talk on "Mobile Communication for Smart Society" highlights the importance of mobile communication and IoT technologies in shaping a super smart society. The goal of a super smart society is to create a human-friendly and intelligent environment that enhances the quality of life for its citizens through the seamless interaction of technology and humans.

To progress towards a Super Smart Society, societies need to employ technology to create an intelligent and human-friendly environment. In this stage, technology provides smart services that enhance the overall well-being of its inhabitants.

Key components of a super smart society include intelligent devices and systems that facilitate seamless interaction among participants. High-value use cases in a smart society include life traffic management and efficient power systems, which leverage technology to optimize resources and improve daily living conditions.

The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a significant role in building the infrastructure for a smart society. It consists of three main layers: the Sensor Device Layer, Communication Layer, and Application Layer. These layers work together to enable the seamless flow of information and communication among various agents, contributing to the realization of a super smart society.

Mobile communication and IoT technologies are crucial components in creating and sustaining a super smart society. By leveraging these technologies, societies can establish a human-friendly and intelligent environment that enhances the well-being of its citizens through smart services and efficient resource management.