Meeting with Students

1 November 2023

Dr. Lee Yu Jen, Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT), UTAR Kampar Campus, extended a warm welcome to the incoming students.

Throughout their academic journey, students were encouraged to focus on building their resumes and expanding their professional networks. Dr. Lee emphasized the importance of engaging in various activities such as joining clubs, participating in co-curricular events, competitions, and workshops. These experiences would not only enhance their skills but also set them apart from their peers when they enter the job market.

Dr. Lee highlighted the significance of soft skills sought by employers, including time management, self-learning, and effective teamwork. Students were advised to navigate group work with an understanding of diverse working styles, managing expectations to foster a collaborative environment.

As proud members of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, students were reminded to uphold integrity and honesty throughout their studies, as these qualities lay the groundwork for their character development.

Following Dr. Lee's address, student representatives took the stage to showcase various clubs, including the IET Student Chapter, UTAR Maker's Club, and the department's Facebook group.